The tackle box


Daiwa Aqualite 13 foot match rod

The Daiwa Aqualite is a recent addition to my shed and is now my most used rod. It has a lovely soft action that makes playing Roach, Grayling and Chub a delight. However to my eternal shame it was christened with a Jack Pike rather than a lovely river red fin. Despite it's feather weight build that is normally coupled with light Drennan Float Fish line' it has been strong enough to divert renegade Trout from snags and has survived being dropped on the concrete from time-to-time. It even negotiated a recent epic battle with a 7lb Carp. Coupled with a centrepin this rod almost makes me feel like a proper fisherman not a amateur bumbling his way round.

Greys Prodigy Barbel 1.5lb TC

This was my first rod when I returned to fishing, it is a good all round rod that has allowed me to bring in double figure Carp and Itchen Chub.



Bits and bobs